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County Gaol / HMP Ipswich, Ipswich, Suffolk

By 1774, the Suffolk county gaol in Ipswich occupied premises on St Matthew's Street and also served as the Ipswich borough gaol. In 1784, John Howard reported on the establishment:

GAOLER, Rowland Baker, now John Ripshaw.

Salary, none,

Fees, Debtors and Felons, £0 : 10 : 8.

Transports, £6 : 6 : 0 each; he paying clerk of assize £1 : 1 : 0 for each.

Allowance, Debtors, none.

Licence, Beer and Wine.


Allowance, Debtors, none. Felons, two pence a day in bread (weight in Dec. 1774, 18½oz. July 1782, 20oz.).

Garnish, Debtors, £0 : 2 : 5. Felons, £0 : 1 : 0.


Debtors.Felons &c.Debtors.Felons &c.
1774, Feb. 3,22,14.1776, Nov. 18,15, 6.
1774, Dec. 7,15, 5.1779, April 5,24,23.
1776, Feb. 72,29,17.1782, July 9,27,Deserter 1.

CHAPLAIN, Rev. Mr. Brome.

Duty, Sunday and Friday.

Salary, £50.

SURGEON, Mr. Buck.

Salary, £40 for debtors and felons,


THIS is also the town gaol: yet only one court-yard. For debtors, a kitchen, or day-room; and several chambers: one of these is lately made a free ward.— For felons a day-room: and for the men a strong night-room; with beds well contrived for cleanliness and health. Each prisoner has a crib-bedstead, 10 or 12 inches high; the head raised a few inches; strong feet, low sides. These are easily moved when the ward is to be washed. The county allows to each crib a straw bed, and a blanket.—The women have no separate day-room: and their ward, or night room, has no fire-place.—One of the two drinking-rooms is called the garnish-room.—Two rooms for the sick; not distinct enough from the rest. No bath. Debtors weave in hand-frames, like those at Lincoln, good garters, & c. and make purses, nets and laces which they fell at the front grate. I found this close prison clean, though full of prisoners. The water from the pump is conveyed through the sewers, which prevents the court-yard, which is small, from being offensive.

In the centre of the cieling of a neat chapel lately built, is an aperture covered by a small turret, which keeps the room airy and pleasant. (All prison chapels should be thus supplied with fresh air.) Mr. Brome, the chaplain, does not content himself merely with the regular and punctual performance of his stated duty; he is a friend to the prisoners on all occasions.

Assize always at Bury: there is now an allowance to the gaoler for conveying prisoners thither. Gaoler, a sheriff's officer. The act for preserving the health of prisoners is not hung up.

Debtors have on Sunday from a legacy of Mr. John Pemberton, each 1½lb. of beef for broth, a penny loaf, and a pint of ale. The following memorial of this kind donation is now hung up in the chapel.

July 17, 1780.

At this, the annual meeting of the trustees of Mr. Pemberton's charity, it is ordered, that the treasurer should provide as the trustees shall see fit, for the debtors imprisoned in any of the jails in the county of Suffolk, either for their relief therein, by a proportion of bread, meat, and beer, as he fall think necessary, or for the delivering them out of prison, until the treasurer shall receive further orders. Nevertheless, such debtors in Ipswich jail, as do not regularly attend divine service (unless prevented by sickness, or some reasonable cause, to be allowed of by the chaplain), and behave decently and reverently, shall not have any benefit or allowance from this charity.

 TRUSTEES, Geo. Drury. Lott Knight.  Ph. B. Brooke. Edwd. Hasell.

From another legacy the town supplies them with five chaldron of coals yearly. No memorial of this in the gaol.

Suffolk, to wit. At the General Quarter Sessions—holden by Adjournment at Bury St. Edmunds— 21st—July—1729, A Table of Fees settled by the Justices of the said Division—pursuant to a late Act —for the Relief of Debtors &c. at the assize for the County of Suffolk—at Bury St. Edmunds the 24th day of July 1729.
s.  d.
To the gaoler for the commitment fee and discharge of every person12  8
Out of which is to be paid to the sheriff2  0
To the officer2  0
For the rent of every chamber weekly2  6
Jasper Cullum  G. Golding  Jermyn Davers ;M. Shelton
I have reviewed this Table of Fees and do think proper to moderate and reduce the same to [erased] shillings and eight pence by disallowing the two shillings to be paid to the Officer and deducting six pence per week out of the Chamber-Rent. THO. PENGELLY.

Between 1786 and 1790, a new County Gaol was erected on St Helen's Street, Ipswich. Its design has been variously attributed to William Blackburn, who was the leading prison architect of the time, and to John and and Thomas Fulcher, whose plans were originally accepted for the project but which may have subsequently been superseded. The prison's layout featured a central hub containing the keeper's house, magistrates' room, chapel and infirmaries, from which radiated four wings, three storeys in height, possibly with open arcades on the ground floor.

In 1812, James Neild wrote:

Gaoler, Samuel Johnson*.

Salary, 200l. and coals and candle for his own use.

Fees and Garnish, abolished. Conveyance of Transports, one shilling per mile.

Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Lee, now Rev. William Aldrich.

Duty, Prayers on Wednesday, and on Sunday, Prayers and Sermon. Salary, 50l


Surgeon, Mr. Stebbing.

Salary, 50l. for Prisoners of all descriptions, Gaol and Bridewell.

Number of Prisoners,

Debtors.Felons &c.State-Prisoners.
1800, Oct. 13th,1117 0.
1803, Sept. 14th,2014 3
1808, Nov. 20th,2110 0.
1810, Sept. 21st, 8. 8. 0.

Allowance, Debtors, each 2lbs. of beef per week. And on Sundays a pint of porter and a two-penny loaf†. If very poor, and unable to support himself, he is allowed by the County, in addition, four loaves, each 1½lb.; and half a pound of cheese per week.
  Felons, 1½lb. of best bread per day, sent in from the Baker, in loaves of that weight; and three quarters of a pound of cheese weekly. I weighed the loaves; and found them both just in quantity, and of good wheaten bread.
  N. B. Coals, mops, brooms, pails, and towels are allowed by the County for the use of the Prisoners.

REMARKS. The boundary wall of this Prison encloses about an acre and half of ground, and is twenty feet high, with a sunk fence, about 5 feet deep, 10 feet wide, and 12. feet distant from the open palisade fences of the different court-yards.

The Turnkey's lodge is in front; and on the ground floor is the day-room, and another, in which the irons for Prisoners are deposited. In the lodge are a warm and cold bath, with an oven to purify their clothes, on being received.

Above stairs are two reception-cells, where the Prisoner is detained till examined by the Surgeon, previous to his admission into the interior. Also a room where the cleansed clothes are ticketed and hung up, and the County clothing put on; and close by is the Turnkey's sleeping-room.

The lead roof above the lodge is the place for execution of Criminals. From the lodge extends an avenue, of 98 feet by 18, which leads to the Keeper's house, in the centre of the Prison, and from which the several court-yards are completely inspected.

The Prison consists of four wings, to which are attached eight spacious and airy courts, of 75 feet by 45; and three smaller ones, about 44 feet square, in one of which is the engine house, as a provision against fire.

The Men Debtors have the use of two of the larger court-yards, having water closets in them; and both hard and soft water are laid on. Upon the ground floor is their day-room, 22 feet by 14, with a fire-place, and utensils for frugal cookery; a pantry, also, for their provisions, and four work-rooms.

To the refractory Debtors are appropriated one of the smaller courts, and two work-cells, of 8 feet by 6, and 10 feet high, on the ground floor.

The first and second story have each eleven sleeping-cells; which are severally divided by lobbies 46. feet long, and 5 feet wide.

The Women Debtors have a court-yard to themselves, of the larger size, and separated from the Men's by the avenue before-noticed, as leading from the Turnkey's lodge to the house of the Keeper. Their day-room, 14 feet by 8 feet 6 inches, is fitted up just like that for the Men Debtors. Above this, on the first story, is a lobby 46 feet by 5, leading to 10 sleeping-cells, five of them on one side, for Female Debtors, and the rest, on the other side, for Female Convicts.

On the second story are eleven other sleeping-cells, exactly similar to the former, and divided by a lobby in the same manner: And all communication betwixt Female Debtors and Female Felons is most judiciously prevented, by means of a grated door thrown across the lobby or passage.

Each cell has two doors; the outer iron-grated, and the inner of wood, opening into the lobby. They are all 8 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 6, and about 9 feet 6 inches high; lighted and ventilated by an iron-grated and glazed sash window, 3 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 4; and by an aperture also near the door, of 15 inches by 3; all. alike fitted up with a wooden bedstead, flock mattress, two sheets, two blankets, a bolster, and coverlet, which are provided at the County expence.

Every, Debtor has a single bed, and all are supplied both with fuel, Winter and Summer, to cook their provisions; and with a cupboard, numbered like the sleeping room, under lock and key, to secure them. Each Debtor has permission also to purchase one quart of strong beer per day, but no more.

Male Felons, before Trial, have a day-room 14 feet square, fitted up like those of the Debtors, for cookery, and every other accommodation. They, too, have a court-yard, with excellent pump water laid on; a sewer, which is a water-closet, and seven work-cells. Above these, on the first story, are ten sleeping-cells, divided by a lobby 46 feet long, and 5.feet wide; and on the second story are eleven other: cells, divided in the same manner.

The Female Felons, previous to trial, have a day-room 14 feet by 8 feet 6, fitted up for cookery in the same manner as the Men's. Their sleeping-cells also are exactly similar to the preceding; and they have a court-yard, like that appropriated to the Male Felons.

Convicts for Transportation have their day-room of the same dimensions with that last-mentioned: and on the upper story are eleven sleeping-cells for their class, who have also the use of a separate court-yard.

Convicts sentenced to imprisonment have likewise a court-yard; a day-room of 14 feet square; on the ground floor seven work-cells; and on the first story eleven sleeping-cells, circumstanced and accommodated in all respects like those already described.

The Chapel of this excellent Prison is in the centre of the Gaoler's house, up one pair of stairs, and distinguishable by a turret-top, and an alarm-bell. The former was once somewhat open, for better ventilation; but being found to admit too much air, the sides have been nearly canvassed up. This very neat structure is well contrived, and easy of access from the several lobbies. The Prisoners, during Divine Service, are seated according to their respective classes: the sexes, by means of several partitions, are kept out of sight of each other, but all in full view both of their Minister and Keeper.

On this first story there are also three bed chambers for the Gaoler; and on the second story four neat Infirmary Rooms, 19 feet square, with fire-places, sash, windows iron-grated, water-closets, &c. and above them is the lead flat of the building, appropriated to the use of convalescents, for the benefits of air and exercise. The Infirmaries have iron-framed and latticed wooden bedsteads, with a mattress to each, two blankets, two sheets, and a coverlet; and the sick are well supplied with suitable food, and wine, if necessary, at the discretion of the Surgeon.

On the 17th of July, 1780, at a meeting of the Trustees of Mr. John Pemberton's Charity, it was Ordered,

"That the Treasurer should provide, as the Trustees shall see fit, for the Debtors imprisoned in any of the Gaols in the County of Suffolk, (either for their relief therein, by a proportion of bread, meat, and beer, as he shall think necessary, or for the delivering them out of Prison,) until the Treasurer shall receive further orders. Nevertheless, such Debtors in Ipswich Gaol as do not regularly attend Divine Service—unless prevented by sickness, or some reasonable cause, to be allowed of by the Chaplain, and behave decently and reverently, shall not have any benefit or allowance from this Charity.

The visiting Magistrates frequently attend their important charge, and have their Committee Room in the Keeper's house; the windows of which room, and of the Keeper's kitchen and parlour, are so placed, as to command the several court-yards.

Recapitulation of the various departments of the Gaol.

Four wings: court-yards, 11; day-rooms, 7; work-cells, 27; sleeping-cells, 86; solitary cells, 2.

The County dresses, before Conviction, are red and grey striped duffell; and after Conviction, blue and yellow, for distinction.

The Act for preserving Health, and Clauses against Spirituous Liquors, are conspicuously hung up.

* He seems of weak intellect, and much under the control of an ignorant and brutish Turnkey.

In 1820, the prison took on the function of the nearby Ipswich County Bridewell on Rope Walk, whose premises were then taken over by the Ipswich Borough Gaol.

A report in 1823, recorded:

This prison (formerly a gaol only) has been recently extended to include the house of correction within one establishment; four new buildings are added, two of which contain the machinery of the tread-mill, the remaining buildings afford an increase of accommodation, and of classification to the extent of twelve separate departments: the number of classes are as follows:—

Prisoners convicted of felony.
Ditto convicted of misdemeanors.
Ditto on charge or suspicion of felony.
Prisoners on charge or suspicion of misdemeanors.

The males and females being distinct. The plan of the prison provides good inspection from the governor's apartments into the yards; and the general airiness of the prison is very satisfactory, The cells are good; the bedding is laid on slabs of Yorkshire stone firmly fixed in supports from the floor; a thick straw mat is laid upon the stone.

No escapes are stated to have occurred for a very long period.


In 1837, the Inspectors of Prisons reported:

THIS prison is situate in an open area of considerable extent in the town of Ipswich; it is enclosed by a wall built in a sunken fosse, with an iron chevaux de frise round the top. The enclosure forms a perfect square, of which the sides are 260 feet.

The ground, the property of the county, beyond the walls is about half as much as the space within; it is appropriated to the private use of the Keeper, and consists of a paddock, garden, stable and outhouses.

In the entrance lodge are apartments for a turnkey, and three receiving cells.

The interior structure originally consisted of v. central building, with four attached wings, upon the radiating principle. The necessity of providing further accommodation led to the erection of four other ranges, which have unfortunately been built in total disunion with the original- plan ; this addition of a number of small and unconnected divisions, materially increases the labours of the officers, and is an obstacle to the maintenance of discipline, as diminishing the means of general and ready inspection of the prisoners. The centre, or Keeper’s dwelling-house, contains a basement with store-rooms and domestic offices; ground floor, Magistrates’ room, two parlours and kitchen; first floor, chapel and three chambers; upper story, four attics, used as infirmaries.

Dimensions of the cells.—Original building, 7 feet 9 inches, by 6 feet 3 inch wide, and 10 feet high.

New buildings, 9 feet 6 inches long, 5 feet wide, 10 feet high.

Cells, where three sleep, 9 feet 6 inches long, 9 feet 6 inches wide, 10 feet high.

The materials used in the first construction of the prison were of the best quality; it is perfectly ventilated and free from damp. It was erected in 1790, on the plan of Mr. Howard, and was then supposed to answer every possible purpose of such an establishment; but subsequent experience has so improved the details of prison architecture, as to leave this structure far inferior to many of a later construction.

The radiating wings being attached to the Keeper’s dwelling, he has no means of inspecting the yards, and the whole body of the prisoners are brought too close to one point, without the possibility of cutting off the communication, which, either in case of disease or insubordination, might be a serious inconvenience. The Infirmary being in the attics of the Keeper’s house, is difficult of access, and in a large establishment like the present, it is of great importance that it should be detached, instead of being, as here, in the very heart of the prison circulation.

The chapel is quite inadequate for the number of prisoners. In conjunction with the Visiting Magistrates and the County Surveyor, I examined most minutely the building, and it appears that these deficiencies, or a part of them, might be overcome, and at no very great expense. Among other inconveniences -to which the officers are subject, from the want of a passage round the Keeper’s house, is that of not being able to take the prisoners to work or chapel without -their passing through parts of the prison occupied by the debtors or other classes. The drainage of the prison has been lately rendered perfect.

There are no privies in the upper stories of the cells.

Diet.—Prisoners not at hard labour, 1½lb. of wheaten bread daily, ½lb. cheese weekly. Prisoners at hard labour, l¾lb. of bread, and 2 ounces of cheese daily.

Untried prisoners are permitted to purchase meat, bread, cheese, and butter, but no beer. Prisoners for a longer period than six months, ½lb. of solid meat once a week.

Clothing.—The usual prison dress for felons; the misdemeanants are not clothed unless requisite.

Bedding.—Criminals: straw paillasse, two blankets and rug. The beds are laid upon slabs of Yorkshire stone, about 2 feet from the ground.
Debtors: flock mattress, two blankets, rug and sheets; changed monthly.

Cleanliness.—The prison clean.

Health.—The prisoners very healthy. The most prevalent diseases are itch, syphilis, and gonorrhoea. The vagrants generally come in infected with the first; the agricultural labourer often with the latter. Constipated bowels are very general.

The Surgeon considers the Infirmary very unfit for its purpose, as to situation, light or approach. He visits the prison every day, and sees the whole of the prisoners twice in the week.

He does not inspect the prisoners before they are put into their classes. He keeps no register of the diseases in the prison. He attends corporal punishments.

Moral and Religious Instruction.—The Chaplain performs two services, with sermon on Sundays, and reads prayers in the week-days. He catechizes and instructs the prisoners in their wards daily, taking a ward each day. Scarcely a day passes without his being some hours in the prison. There is no regular or systematic instruction of the prisoners. He gives them tasks and they teach each other; and he holds out the learning to write as a stimulus to exertion. The boys being chiefly of the agricultural class, are much easier dealt with than the men.

The same system of mutual instruction is followed, with regard to the females, who are taken into the Magistrates’ room, and catechized in their turn by the Chaplain. He thinks the separation of offenders would be a hindrance to their being instructed, as they now are, by each other. Books and tracts from the society, and slates and pencils are issued to the prisoners.

Prisoners in solitary confinement do not attend chapel; it is much too small for the number of prisoners. He keeps a journal for the registering of the duties he performs in the prison.

Observations—The number of prisoners on the 6th of December was 117, and the chapel will only hold 53. There are but two divisions in it; the felons and misdemeanants being placed together. Considerable irregularity exists in the mode of the prisoners attending Divine Service.

The prisoners, instead of being divided into proportionate divisions, and each division made to attend the chapel alternately, are merely called by the turnkeys, and those only attend who please, provided they are sufficient in number to fill it. The prisoners occasionally misconduct themselves on their way to the chapel. Nothing can more decidedly mark the little attention paid there, than the defaced condition of the backs of the seats, every sort of figure being scratched upon them.

Classification.—As prescribed. The prisoners convicted of unnatural offences are not separated from the others during the day-time, nor is any distinction made.

Labour.—Tread-wheel. The buildings with the tread-wheels are among the later erections in the prison. The six wheels are all placed contiguous to each other; and the prisoners for hard labour are taken there from all parts of the prison to perform their daily tasks upon the wheel.

The arrangement is excessively bad, both as regards ventilation and the maintenance of discipline. The miller, who inspects the men on the wheels from a covered gallery, says "They watch me as much as I watch them; when my back is turned then those behind me begin; sometimes they quarrel and fight, and have been punished for it. It is quite impossible for one man to watch six wheels. They can, and do, call from one wheel to another." There is a register, but it is out of repair. The motion of the wheel is very irregular, from the men constantly jumping off, and there not being sufficient task-masters to prevent them. The females are employed in washing and mending the prisoners' linen and clothes.

Number of Working Hours per Day Number of Prisoners the Wheels will hold at one time. Height of each Step. The ordinary Velocity of the Wheels per Minute. Number of Feet in Ascent per Day as per Hours of Employ­ment. Revolut­ions of the Wheel per Day. How recorded with precision. Applic­ation of its Power.
10 in the summer, 8 in the winter. 42 8 inches. Twice in a minute. 19,200 in summer; 15;360 in winter. 1,200 in summer; 960 in winter. No apparatus for proving. Fly-wheel.

Punishments.—The general punishments for prison offences are solitary confinement; I find one .instance where the Keeper exceeded his legal authority. On November 16, 1835, a prisoner was placed by him in solitary confinement for a week for cutting his name on the door. The cells for the refractory are two of the usual cells, darkened so as partially to exclude the light.

Scourge: common whip handle two feet long, with nine lashes of common whip cord, each 18 inches long, with a single knot in each.

Irons used in conveying convicts, eight pounds. The Newgate belt, to confine the body and hands, weighing 7½lbs., and the shears, a bar of iron 15 inches in length, with a ring at each end for the legs, are occasionally made use of in very refractory cases, and in attempted escapes.

Visits and Letters.—The place where the prisoners receive visits is well arranged, and improper communication impossible: Visits and letters under the usual restraints.

Benefactions.—The debtors who attend divine service, and who are natives of Suffolk, receive "Pemberton’s Charity." Vide Inspector’s Report upon Ipswich Borough Gaol. A dinner allowed at Christmas.

Accounts, Expenditure, Books.—This county furnishes the most awkward arrangement, with respect to prison accounts, that I have yet witnessed. The county is divided into three districts, consisting of Beccles, Woodbridge, and Ipswich, each having its separate rate and treasurer.

The general expenses of the County Gaol at Ipswich are defrayed in the following proportions: Ipswich, nine-twentieths; Woodbridge, five-twentieths; Beccles, six-twentieths.

The maintenance of their respective prisoners is not included in the above charges, but the gaoler has to keep a separate account for every prisoner committed from the other divisions, and charge the amount of his maintenance against the treasurers.

Register of Felons.—Arranged under the heads of Number, name, abode, age, stature, single or married, description of person, profession, when committed, by whom, offence, first commitment or otherwise, when tried, by whom tried, original sentence, present sentence, when carried into execution, remarks on conduct.

Similar register kept of the misdemeanants and debtors.

Numeral Entry Book.—Containing the daily numbers of prisoners, under the different heads of offences, the discharges, and committals, as they occur.

Daily Account Book.—Showing the number of prisoners, their classification, conduct, and the distribution of bread and clothing among them.

Sundry other books connected with the interior economy of the prison.

Debtors.—No charge is made for debtors’ bedding, which is supplied at the expense of the county.

Debtors of a superior class have been, by order of the Magistrates, accommodated in the Keeper’s house without charge. There is no restriction as to their visitors, who may come into the prison from ten till four daily.

The Keeper gives it as his opinion that the presence of the debtors is a great obstacle to the enforcement of prison discipline; in this I fully concur. Upon going through their rooms, I found certain individuals among them retailing food, beer and tobacco at established prices to those requiring them. Large vessels of four, five and six gallons, containing beer, with cocks in them, were in the rooms.

Three of these establishments were in full trade at the time of inspection. The Magistrates, at my suggestion, immediately ordered their removal, and gave such directions as will prevent a recurrence of the practice.

The prisoner principally concerned in this traffic has been 19 years in the prison, for refusing to answer questions before the Commissioners in Bankruptcy. One of the debtors, upon being examined, frankly admitted that he gave tobacco to the criminals, as they passed through their day-rooms to labour, out of commiseration for them.

General Discipline.—Although certain of the deficiencies observable here, in points of discipline, are the consequence of the faulty arrangement of the buildings, yet much improvement would result by an increase of vigilance on the part of the officers of the prison. The arrangements for effectually searching the prisoners on their entry are most imperfect; otherwise communication must be carried on from without to a great extent; for on my going round the prison late at night, and causing only a few' of the prisoners’ clothes and cells to be searched, money, tobacco, knives, a gimlet, a flint and steel, and other improper articles, were found secreted. While going through one of the yards, in the day-time, with the Magistrates, a loaf was thrown over from the adjoining one. The turnkey, in his evidence, states that the conversation of the prisoners is of a very indifferent character; that frequent robberies of each others provisions take place.

Soldiers from the cavalry in garrison are frequently sent here for solitary confinement, and a very bad practice exists with regard to their supply of food. Sixpence a day is paid By the regiment for their maintenance ; and if they think proper only to expend one half of it, the residue is given to them in their cells, and it not unfrequently happens that they go out with an accumulation of some shillings; the attention of the Magistrates was called to this subject.

The means of punishing the refractory are very imperfect; there is not, in the words of the Keeper, a solitary cell in the whole prison still it appears not without its effects, especially on females. The Matron states, that in one instance a female was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, the last to be solitary; her dread of it was so great, that she refused her food for the six weeks previous, for the purpose of making herself ill, and avoiding it. She pursued this conduct till she became speechless, and was obliged to be taken to a sick room and attended by a nurse.

Wardsmen are appointed to each class, who receive the same allowance as those at hard labour ; prisoners are occasionally employed in the Keeper’s garden, within the walls, and in other occasional labour.

Keeper.—Age 57; appointed 1801; married. Salary, 320l. per annum. Emoluments, 1s. a mile for conveying convicts. The County ground within and without the Avails not occupied by the prisoners.

The Keeper appoints and pays the expenses of one turnkey, amounting to 36l. 8s., and likewise of an occasional porter; a practice I consider very objectionable, creating a useless distinction, and a needless diversity of responsibility among the officers.

Chaplain.—Age 63; appointed January 1814. No other professional duties nor preferment. Salary, 150l.

Surgeon.—Appointed January 1825. Salary, 70l. for medicines and attendance.

First Turnkey.—Age 31; appointed October 1831 ; married; blacksmith by trade; resides in the prison. Salary, 36l. 8s.

Second Turnkey and Miller.—Age 44; appointed March 1808; married; miller by trade: resides, and takes his meals out of the prison.

Third Turnkey.—Aged 55 ; appointed by the Keeper, June 1835 ; married; formerly in business; resides in the prison. Salary, 36l. 8s.

In 1878, following the nationalisation of the prison system , the site became HM Prison Ipswich. Between 1879 and 1885, the old county gaol building became a female prison, the old borough gaol was converted into a house for the governor, and a new male prison and gatehouse were erected.

The prison was closed in 1925 and the buildings demolished in 1931.


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